Urban Infill & Greenway Minutes 2020
- January 14
- February 12
- April 16
- September 11
- December 12
Miami River Commission’s
Urban Infill and Greenway Subcommittee’s Minutes
I. Miami Dade County Public Housing and Community Development Presentation Regarding “River Parc” Development at 1407 NW 7 ST
Urban Infill Subcommittee Chairman Murley stated he works for Miami-Dade County, therefore he will run the meeting but will not issue a non-binding suggestion for the full MRC boards consideration. Chairman Murley stated he wants to focus on the Riverfront components of the proposal. Miami-Dade County Public Housing and Community Development (PHCD) Director Michael Liu and Albert Milo Jr, Related Urban, distributed copies of the “River Parc Master Plan (1.06.2020)”. Mr. Carlos Salas, President of the Spring Garden Civic Association asked for the item to be deferred because he hadn’t met with the presenters. The presenters agreed to meet with the Spring Garden Civic Association before this item is considered at the full MRC’s February 3 public meeting, noon, 1407 NW 7 ST. Urban Infill Chairman Murley stated this preliminary public MRC subcommittee meeting will provide the public with an opportunity to receive the distributed plans, upcoming presentation, and an opportunity for the public to communicate with the presenters.
PHCD Director Liu stated the proposal will provide needed affordable housing, in partnership with the private sector development partner. Director Liu stated the 1st building is complete and the 2nd building is currently under construction. Mr. Milo stated numerous previous public meetings were held regarding the proposal, which per the distributed plans feature:
1) Public Riverwalk and waterfront building setbacks consistent with the City of Miami Zoning Code Section 3.11 and Appendix B, connecting to the east with NW 13 Ave and to the west under I-836, and featuring security as supported by the residents
2) Art in Public Places
3) Multi-Purpose Room
4) Gym
5) Courtyards
6) Paseos
7) River Plaza (x2)
8) “Triangle Park”
9) “Waterfront Park”
10) “Linear Park
11) Restaurant / Commercial Space (details TBD)
PHCD Director Liu stated PHCD will submit an application in the current grant cycle to the Florida Inland Navigation District for a 50% cost share for the proposed new needed and code required seawall and public Riverwalk.
Mr. Milo stated the proposal is consistent with the existing land use, T6-8 zoning and Sections 3.15, 3.11, and Appendix B.
The following email was distributed:
“My compliments to the development team! I wanted to make a couple of points regarding the site plan. I make these points not to hinder the process, but to let stakeholders know that the City will ensure that the following items will be independently confirmed phase by phase:
1. Setbacks: all structures are subject to 50’ waterfront setbacks, specifically, there is 50’ open to the air from the mean high water line.
a. Access: Within the setback, a publicly accessible Riverwalk will be included per City of Miami design guidelines.
b. Waiver of setback requirements may be granted by the City Commission via a Planning Department application.
2. Special uses: Additional Special permits specific to individual phases and structure will be required as development progresses, i.e. outdoor dining and affordable housing special benefits.
Hopefully, this assurance and requirements will allow the overall masterplan to proceed and allow the River Commission to focus on the items in their purview without being distracted by details which will be under separate future applications.
Best regards,
II. New Business
MRC Urban Infill Chairman Murley asked for an update re 431-451 South Miami Ave. MRC Director Bibeau presented pictures taken Sunday, February 10, 2019, of the site with construction activities. Mr. Bibeau noted the following email chain:
From: Brett Bibeau <miamiriver1@bellsouth.net> Sent: Friday, February 15, 2019 9:54 AM To: 'Calleros Gauger, Jeremy' <JCallerosGauger@miamigov.com>; 'Murley, James (RER)' <James.Murley@miamidade.gov>; 'spencer.crowley@akerman.com' <spencer.crowley@akerman.com>; 'schafers@miamidda.com' <schafers@miamidda.com>; 'De Nacimiento, Guillermo' <GDeNacimiento@miamigov.com> Subject: RE: Construction Activity At Prime Riverfront Lot Across From Brickell City Centre
THX Jeremy,
Per previous requests, PLS provide the pending application, plans, contact for City rep, and contact for applicants. Would be nice to have it before 1 PM, so MRC UIWG Chair Murley has something in hand when this comes up at today’s 3 PM subcommittee meeting under the “New Business” agenda item
THX everyone
From: Calleros Gauger, Jeremy <JCallerosGauger@miamigov.com> Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2019 6:48 PM To: Brett Bibeau <miamiriver1@bellsouth.net>; 'Murley, James (RER)' <James.Murley@miamidade.gov>; spencer.crowley@akerman.com; schafers@miamidda.com; De Nacimiento, Guillermo <GDeNacimiento@miamigov.com> Subject: RE: Construction Activity At Prime Riverfront Lot Across From Brickell City Centre
FYI- we have a pending TUP application for this property, but it is not yet approved. Planning will work with Zoning to incorporate the new provisions in 3.11.
Please let me know if there are any additional questions.
Best regards,
Jeremy Calleros Gauger, AIA, LEED AP
Deputy Director
Planning Department
Office: 305-416-1427
Visit us at www.miamigov.com/planning.
From: Brett Bibeau <miamiriver1@bellsouth.net> Sent: Monday, February 11, 2019 5:21 PM To: 'Murley, James (RER)' <James.Murley@miamidade.gov>; spencer.crowley@akerman.com;
Subject: RE: Construction Activity At Prime Riverfront Lot Across From Brickell City Centre
Hi Jeremy,
Per emails below, emailing you pics of 451 South Miami Ave which I took yesterday. A few months ago when property rep met with the City about a potential TUP, PLS reply the owner’s and City reps contact info. This will be discussed under New Business during the MRC subcommittee’s 2/15 public meeting, 3 PM, 1407 NW 7 ST.
THX for all you do
From: Murley, James (RER) <James.Murley@miamidade.gov> Sent: Friday, February 8, 2019 1:11 PM To: 'Brett Bibeau' <miamiriver1@bellsouth.net>; spencer.crowley@akerman.com; schafers@miamidda.com; GDeNacimiento@miamigov.com; JCallerosGauger@miamigov.com Subject: RE: Construction Activity At Prime Riverfront Lot Across From Brickell City Centre
Please put this on the agenda at the next Urban Infill meeting. Hopefully for a presentation but at minimum, your update and further discussion.
Jim Murley
Chief Resilience Officer
Regulatory and Economic Resources Department
Miami-Dade County
Office: 305-375-4811
Cell: 786-719-9155
Chair, Urban Infill Committee, MRC”
MRC Urban Infill Chairman Murley asked for this item to be placed on the subcommittee’s March public meeting agenda.
The meeting adjourned.
January 14, 2020 | THIS IS A PUBLIC DOCUMENT
The Miami River Commission’s (MRC) Urban Infill and Greenways subcommittees conducted a public meeting on January 14, 2020, 3 PM, 1407 NW 7 ST. The attendance sign in sheets are enclosed. MRC Urban Infill Subcommittee Chairman Jim Murley conducted the public meeting..
Miami River Commission’s
Urban Infill and Greenway Subcommittee’s Minutes
I. City of Miami Administration’s Proposed Draft Amendments to City Code CH. 29, Article III “Landfills and Waterfront Improvements” and Appendix B
City of Miami Public Works Director Dodd distributed and presented a presentation and the draft ordinance revisions to elevate seawalls in response to sea level rise. Director Dodd noted the administrations proposed ordinance is based on an ordinance recently adopted in Fort Lauderdale. Director Dodd stated he estimates the City Commission will consider this item in spring or summer. MRC Director Bibeau suggested having maintenance requirements for living shorelines which trap plastics and Styrofoam along the shorelines with every passing tide, and increased vacuuming out of the storm water drainage system by the City, County and FDOT. Director Dodd stated the City recently increased their vacuuming of their storm water system to once every 2 years, and next year it will be more often. Director Dodd stated City is installing screens in front of storm water drains to keep items out of the system, which then require more frequent street cleaning to unclog the screens and allow the water to pass through them. Attendees discussed means of paying for seawall replacements, such as F.E.M.A, creating a Special Taxing District, creating a C.R.A., P.A.C.E. which is like a 2nd loan and would require an amendment by the FL Legislature, etc. Compliance with the new code would be triggered by flooding or disrepair.
MRC Urban Infill Subcommittee Chairman Murley suggested the full MRC recommend approval of the City’s proposed ordinance amendments to increase sea level elevations in response to sea level rise, with the following conditions:
1) Work on addressing the required financing
2) Include both private and public sector seawalls
3) Consider any differences which may be needed in D1 and D3 zoning, in order to avoid any unintentional impacts.
II. Miami Dade County Public Works Presentation of Plans to Reconstruct County Owned NW South River Drive from the Tamiami Swing bridge to NW 36 ST
Mr. Leandro Ona distributed and presented Miami-Dade County’s almost 30% complete plans to reconstruct NW South River Drive from the Tamiami Swing Bridge to NW 36 ST. Attendees noted the current street is in disrepair, and does not have sidewalks. Mr. Ona stated all area properties will always have vehicular access to their sites for the duration of the construction project, with the exception of a portion of the 1 particular day when their individual driveway is replaced. Attendees noted the need to be aware and sensitive to the needs of the existing area businesses in the design of the project. MRC Director Bibeau reminded Miami-Dade County that consistent with the 6.5 miles of existing Miami River Greenway the proposed new section should feature:
• mesa beige sidewalk color
• signage per the provided and adopted Miami River Greenway Signage Design Specifications and Guidelines
• decorative lights
• decorative garbage cans should have tops to keep rain water out of the cans (which otherwise would create contaminating leachate)
• the County’s existing contract for the non-profit 501c3 MRC to provide landscaping and garbage removal at County owned sections of the Miami River Greenway may be amended to include this new additional section of County owned Miami River Greenway
Miami-Dade County will host a public meeting regarding this project on 2/27, 6 PM, Lummus Park. In addition, Miami-Dade County will provide an additional public meeting with the MRC when the plans are 90% complete.
MRC Urban Infill subcommittee Chairman Murley suggested the MRC recommend Miami-Dade County continue working on the plans with input from the area’s property owners, and seek consistency with this area’s Palmer Lake District Zoning.
III. New Business
The meeting was adjourned.
February 12, 2020 | THIS IS A PUBLIC DOCUMENT
The Miami River Commission’s (MRC) Urban Infill and Greenways subcommittees conducted a public meeting on February 12, 2020, 3 PM, 1407 NW 7 ST. The attendance sign in sheets are enclosed. The attendance sign in sheets are enclosed. MRC Urban Infill Subcommittee Chairman Jim Murley conducted the public meeting..
Miami River Commission’s
Urban Infill and Greenway Subcommittee’s Minutes
The Miami River Commission’s (MRC) Urban Infill and Greenways subcommittees conducted a public meeting on January 14, 2020, 3 PM, 1407 NW 7 ST. The attendance sign in sheets are enclosed. MRC Urban Infill Subcommittee Chairman Jim Murley conducted the public meeting.
Miami River Commission’s
Urban Infill Subcommittee’s Minutes
September 11, 2020 | THIS IS A PUBLIC DOCUMENT
The Miami River Commission’s (MRC) Urban Infill and Greenways subcommittees conducted a public meeting on February 15, 2019, 3 PM, 1407 NW 7 ST. The attendance sign in sheet is enclosed. MRC Urban Infill Subcommittee Chairman Jim Murley conducted the public meeting.
Miami River Commission’s
Urban Infill & Greenway Subcommittee’s Minutes
December 12, 2020 | THIS IS A PUBLIC DOCUMENT
The Miami River Commission’s (MRC) Urban Infill and Greenways subcommittees conducted a public meeting on December 12, 2018, 9 AM, 1407 NW 7 ST. The attendance sign in sheet is enclosed. MRC Urban Infill Subcommittee Chairman Jim Murley conducted the public meeting.
Miami River Commission’s
Urban Infill and Greenway Subcommittee’s Minutes
I. Consider Potential Redevelopment of City of Miami Owned 300-400 SE 2 Ave, Hyatt Regency Hotel and James L. Knight Center
Tiffany Donato, Hyatt, Kobi Karp, Kobi Karp Architects, Jacky Lorenzo, City of Miami, Mike McShea and Lee Ann Korst, CBRE, distributed copies of illustrative drawings (subject to potential future changes) and Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). The illustrative drawings depict the demolition of the current Hyatt Hotel and James L Knight Convention Center and the construction of three new high-rise towers, consisting of a new Hyatt Hotel and Residential units. The presenters stated their studies found the existing James L Knight Center is out of date. The property would remain owned by the City of Miami, with a long-term lease to Hyatt. The presenters stated the proposal is consistent with the public Riverwalk requirements from the zoning code (Section 3.11 and appendix B) and features a 50-foot building setback from the Miami River. The presenters stated this item will be considered by the City Commission on May 10, followed by a referendum on the August 28 ballot.
MRC Urban Infill Subcommittee Chairman Murley recommended approval subject to the following conditions:
1. Lock in the 50-foot waterfront building setback with the public Riverwalk in the revised ballot language, covenant, and “Developer Guidelines”
2. Comply with requirements of the Archaeological Zone
3. Improve connection with metro-mover
4. Current plans force all exiting cars to proceed south over the Brickell Bridge, therefore allow cars to exit to the west as well
5. Include 2 public Bicycle / pedestrian side yard connectors between the street and Riverwalk
6. Have the elevation of the entire 50-foot waterfront setback at the same elevation
7. Have the elevation of the proposed new public Riverwalk match the connecting elevations of the public Riverwalk’s to the west at River Park Hotel and to the east proceeding beneath the Brickell Bridge
8. Provide a cross section of the proposed 50-foot setback, showing all the dimensions required in Zoning c ode 3.11 and Appendix B such as the unobstructed min. 15-foot-wide circulation zone, safety zone, passive zone, etc.
9. Insert the codes require public Riverwalk signage
10. Provide an illustrative drawing depicting the code and charter required “view corridor”
11. If the presented illustrative drawings are changed in the future, the new plans would be presented to the MRC for an advisory recommendation before being considered by the City of Miami
12. A publicly accessible Riverwalk must be accessible before Phase I receives a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy, and this requirement must be included in the covenant, which will also include the Comp Plan’s required “Working River” disclosure
13. Conduct a pre-demolition and post-demolition survey of the Miami River, and if any material from demolition enters the Miami River, remove the material
The presenters agreed to all the conditions, and stated they would provide revised illustrative drawings, revised “Developer Guidelines”, revised ballot language, and the covenant by April 25, so that it maybe distributed to the MRC board and database prior to the MRC’s May 7 public meeting on this item, noon, 1407 NW 7 ST.
II. New Business
The meeting adjourned.
The Miami River Commission’s (MRC) Urban Infill and Greenways subcommittees conducted a public meeting on April 16, 2018, 3 PM, 1407 NW 7 ST. The attendance sign in sheet is enclosed. MRC Urban Infill Subcommittee Chairman Jim Murley conducted the public meeting.
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c/o Robert King High • 1407 NW 7 Street, Suite D, Miami, FL 33125 • 305-644-0544 • Fax: 305-642-1136 • Contact us email |